Our Team

The Entrepreneurship Hub has an interdisciplinary team with diverse knowledge from different disciplines.

We promote entrepreneurial thinking because we also see ourselves as entrepreneurs.

Our employees are active in both teaching and research and are intensively involved in shaping several projects and funding programs.


Sophie Bente


Sophie Bente studied business administration and service management at the Harz University of Applied Sciences in Wernigerode.
At the end of her practice-oriented bachelor’s degree, she majored in human resources and event management.

After her studies, Ms. Bente gained her first professional experience in an event agency in Braunschweig, which organizes B2B as well as B2C events. Here, Ms. Bente mainly took over the personnel responsibility and the coordination on site.

Since November 2020, Ms. Bente has been accompanying the team of the Entrepreneurship Hub, taking over administrative and management tasks and working as a project assistant in the BMWI program “EXIST-Potentiale”.

Karl Dettke

M. Sc.

Karl Dettke completed a dual study programme at Volkswagen and obtained a Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) in mechanical engineering at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Wolfenbüttel. At the same time, he completed an apprenticeship as a mechatronics technician. At Volkswagen, he initially worked in body construction planning and later in the Academy staff unit in Wolfsburg.

He completed his Master’s degree in Technology-Oriented Management (M. Sc.) at the Technical University of Braunschweig. He wrote his master’s thesis at the Entrepreneurship Hub on the start-up ecosystem in Lower Saxony and was supported by a scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation during his master’s programme.

Mr Dettke also gained extensive experience abroad in Japan, the USA, Mexico and the Netherlands. Since 1 June 2024, he has been working as a research assistant in the field of research and teaching in the area of high-tech entrepreneurship and is working towards a doctorate.

  • Start-up ecosystems


Christopher Dormeier

M. Sc

Christopher is a Research Associate at Entrepreneurship Hub. Prior to his employment at TU Braunschweig and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. industrial engineering focusing on mechanical engineering from TU Braunschweig. He then worked as a Visiting Researcher at UC Berkeley’s Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET).

Christopher is the coordinator of the federally funded Exist Project “Intekno – International Entrepreneurship”.

His current research focus, therefore, lays on Business Model Innovation in the context of circular economy, product-service-systems and digitalization through collaboration. Hereby, he engages engineering methods such as system of systems engineering and modeling approaches. His Besides the development of new business models, methods and tools to support start-ups and SMEs, the contextual factors are of high relevance within his research. This so called Entrepreneurial Ecosystem determines the emergence and successful development of companies.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, International Entrepreneurship, Sustainable transformation, and Corporate Start-up Engagement

  • Lecture “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”

  • Lecture “Entrepreneurship and Business Model Generation”

  • Seminar “MacGyver Sustainable Entrepreneurship”

  • Representative of TU Braunschweig in CESAER Task Force Innovation – Supporting Innovative Start-ups

  • Representative of TU Braunschweig in CESAER Task Force Sustainability

  • Supervision of Master’s Thesis and student groups in various lectures

  • EITM Project “oiAcademy – Sustainable transformation for SMEs”

  • Projektcoordination Intekno – International überzeugen (EXIST/BMWK)

  • Indo-German Start-up Camp

  • ELNET – paper series on “Collaborations between Israeli start-ups and German SMEs for sustainable transformation”

  • Coordination Start-up Session @ “Circularity Days”

  • Dormeier, C., Mindt, N., Niemeyer, J.F., Asghari, R., Mennenga, M., 2024. Review and framework for the engineering of Business Models for Sustainability: A System of Systems perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption 51, 1–22, DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2024.08.030.

  • Bohmert, D.; Cisneros Pérez, G.; Dormeier, C.; Drogul, L.; Foot, T.; Garrido, A.; Goudie, A.; Madeira, A. C.; Nygard, M.; Östling, M.: Leading by example: Boosting sustainability through good governance adopted by universities of science & technology. CESAER, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8382415
  • J. F. Niemeyer, C. Dormeier and M. Mennenga, „Pattern-based System of Systems Engineering Approach for Resilient and Sustainable Production Networks – A Review and Framework Proposal,“ 2024 19th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Tacoma, WA, USA, 2024, pp. 10-17, doi: 10.1109/SOSE62659.2024.10620963.

  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R.: Systemic Perspective In Process Models For Sustainability-oriented Business Model Innovation. In: New Business Model Conference 2024, July 4th-5th 2024 San Sebastián.
  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R: Smart and Sustainable Mobility – Opportunities for Cooperation between German Companies and Israeli Startups for the Transformation of the Transportation Sector. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2024

  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R: Smarte und nachhaltige Mobilität – Chancen der Kooperation zwischen deutschen Unternehmen und israelischen Startups für die Transformation des Verkehrssektors. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202402151403-0

  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R.: ClimateTech – Chancen der Kooperation zwischen deutschen Unternehmen und israelischen Startups für die nachhaltige Transformation der Wirtschaft nutzen. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202310191042-0
  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R: ClimateTech – Exploiting opportunities for cooperation between German companies and Israeli startups for the sustainable transformation of the economy. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2022. DOI:https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202310191137-0
  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R: EnergyTech – deutsch-israelische Kooperationschancen für die Transformation des Energiesektors. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202310191201-0
  • Dormeier, C.; Asghari, R: EnergyTech – German Israeli Cooperation Opportunities for the Transformation of the Energy Sector. Berlin: ELNET Deutschland, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202310191301-0

Philipp Haase

B. Sc.

Philipp Haase first completed vocational training as an industrial clerk and then gained initial work experience in technical sales. Building on this, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. For his Master’s degree, he transferred to the Technical University of Braunschweig, where he is currently studying Industrial Engineering with a focus on Mechanical Engineering.

During his studies, Mr. Haase gained international experience in Canada and is also actively involved as a volunteer in the Association of German Industrial Engineers (VWI e.V.) and the bonding student initiative e.V. Since June 1, 2024, he has been working as a research associate at the Entrepreneurship Hub, supporting the project “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship at Vocational Schools.”


Samir J. Roshandel

Dipl.-Hdl., M.Sc.

Samir J. Roshandel studied Business Education at the University of Paderborn, Memorial University in St. John’s (Newfoundland, Canada), Tongji University and at the Chinese-German University College for a Diploma and Management Information System for a Master. Furthermore, he distinguished himself in the context of a merit scholarship of the Chinese government as well as the DAAD and completed one year at Fudan University in Shanghai (China). In the context of his stay, he researched the success factors of German start-ups in China as part of his diploma thesis.

While still in school, Samir Roshandel founded his first company and continued his entrepreneurial activities during his studies. Samir Roshandel joined the Entrepreneurship Hub in March 2013.

Dr. Dierck Tietje

Dierck Tietje completed a degree in Business Administration at the University of Bremen, where he specialized in International Management, Marketing Management, as well as Start-up and SME Management during both his Bachelor’s and Master’s studies.

After successfully completing his studies, Mr. Tietje continued his academic career and earned a Ph.D. at the Chair of SMEs, Start-ups, and Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) at the University of Bremen. In his dissertation, which examines the impact of a family constitution on conflicts within entrepreneurial families, he thoroughly explored the motivation behind the development, the process of creating such a constitution, and the long-term implementation of the measures taken.

Since 2018, Mr. Tietje has been contributing his expertise to the Entrepreneurship Hub, where he has been involved in a variety of innovative projects aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. Through his diverse work in these projects, he has gained valuable experience and expanded his network within the start-up community. In July 2024, he assumed the role of coordinator for the project “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship at Vocational Schools,” where he applies his knowledge and experience to foster entrepreneurial thinking and action among young people, thereby inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators.

E-Mail: dierck.tietje(at)tu-braunschweig.de

Mathis Vetter


Mathis Vetter studied law, human resources management and psychology at Brunswick European Law School in Wolfenbüttel and also holds a master’s degree in technology-oriented management from the Technical University of Braunschweig. During his studies, he already gained practical experience at the management consultancies Capgemini Invent and Kienbaum. He focused on management development, change management and process optimization in various industries.

In addition, Mathis Vetter has been involved in the student consultancy Consult One for many years, including as chairman of the board and as project manager in various projects in Braunschweig’s SME sector.

He has been working at the Entrepreneurship Hub since February 2019, initially as a research assistant in the cooperation project “Digitalization Lab” with TU Clausthal. Currently, he coordinates the project “Niedersachsen Entrepreneurship Monitoring” and is also involved in the project “International Entrepreneurship”.

  • Quantitative assessment of entrepreneurship ecosystems
  • Design of framework conditions for startup creation
  • Intrapreneurship and participation of employees in entrepreneurial processes
  • Vetter, M. & Asghari, R. (2020). The impacts of Brexit on the United Kingdom’s start-up ecosystem: implications for entrepreneurs and decision-makers In Coventry Law Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1.

Dagmar Wilgeroth


Dagmar Wilgeroth studied economics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. As part of a co-operative research project between the Institute of International Management and Siemens AG, Dagmar Wilgeroth spent six months in Germany and France researching the role of universities with regard to cultural and technology transfer in developing countries.

After completing her studies, Mrs Wilgeroth gained many years of strategic experience in Germany and abroad at Unilever AG in the field of international marketing and innovation management and at ARAG Versicherungen AG as head of international group marketing. She has been an independent consultant and coach since 2003, specialising in entrepreneurship, business model development, modelling and innovation management.

Since 2014, she has been involved in various projects at the Entrepreneurship Hub, including the ERDF-funded project ‘InnoLink’ and EXIST Potentiale – International überzeugen (concept phase). Since March 2024, she has been working on the “Helmstedt Gründungsoffensive” project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and ClimateAction.

  • Entrepreneurial self-efficacy
  • Entrepreneurship methodology
  • Business model development