International Entrepreneurship

Start-up School

3 weeks | 6 workshops
Take part in digital workshops
that will show you the way to start your own business!

3 weeks - 6 workshops


To fill out the registration form, please download the following document, fill it out and upload it in the registration process.

Application document


For participants from India:

For your stay you need an accident, personal liability and an international health insurance.
Yes, breakfast and dinner accommodations usually offer a variety of vegetarian food. However, if you are staying at the Braunschweig Youth Hostel, please notify the them in advance so they can plan accordingly. Regarding the other hotels, please check online in advance.

Please do not forget to bring:

  • Rain cover / coat
  • Warm clothes for the evenings
  • Sturdy and comfortable shoes for long walks
  • Please check if a travel adapter is required
  • Medications
  • Visa and other required documents (e.g. of your insurance), passports and copies of them
  • While ATMs are available, please bring some cash to have some Euros on hand when arriving to Germany
  • International SIM card if you want to have mobile data
  • There may be a number of differences between India and Germany. From our experience of last year there are some aspects to consider:
    • Please expect a high price level, especially in restaurants
    • Germans are more used to walk long distances
    • You may encounter Germans drinking alcohol and smoking
    • Even though all restaurants usually offer vegetarian options, please note that eating pork and beef is common

  • For further intercultural advice, we have also asked ChatGPT for you below 🙂

    Communication Style:

  • Germans tend to be direct and value straightforward communication. Small talk may be less common, especially in professional settings, compared to some Indian cultures where it is more prevalent.

  • Germans generally value punctuality and expect others to be on time for meetings and appointments. It’s considered disrespectful to be late without a valid reason.

    Personal Space:
  • Germans, on average, value personal space and may stand farther apart during conversations than what might be typical in India. Respect for personal boundaries is essential.

    Formality in Addressing People:
  • Germans are generally more formal in their address, especially in professional settings. Using titles and last names is common until a more familiar relationship is established.

    Work Culture:
  • The work culture in Germany may be more structured and hierarchical compared to India. Following rules and adhering to procedures is important, and there is a clear separation between work and personal life.

    Cultural Sensitivity:
  • Germans may be more reserved in expressing emotions compared to some Indian cultures. It’s essential to be aware of cultural nuances and adjust your communication style accordingly.

    Individualism vs. Collectivism:

  • Germany is considered a more individualistic society, while India tends to be more collectivist. In Germany, individuals often prioritize personal goals and achievements, while in India, family and community ties may play a more significant role.

    Attitudes Toward Hierarchy:

  • Germans generally have a more egalitarian approach to hierarchy, with an emphasis on meritocracy. Respect for authority is important, but there is less emphasis on social status compared to some Indian cultures.

    Waste Management and Recycling:

  • Germany has a strong culture of waste management and recycling. It’s common to separate and recycle different types of waste, and littering is frowned upon.

    Public Behavior:

  • Public behavior in Germany tends to be more reserved, and loud or disruptive behavior may be viewed negatively. Public spaces are generally kept clean and quiet.

    Dress Code:

  • Germans often dress more formally in professional settings, and casual wear is common in everyday situations. It’s advisable to observe and adhere to the dress code in different contexts.

    Weekend and Store Hours:

  • Many stores and businesses in Germany may close earlier, especially on weekends. Sunday is often a day of rest, and fewer activities are available compared to weekdays.


  • 112 – for any emergency issues relating to health and fire hazards
  • 110 – for police
  • +49 (0) 5331 939 33410 – Entrepreneurship Hub
  • For official meetings we recommend business casual clothing and dress shoes.
  • Very formal clothing, such as a suit, is not needed.
  • In May it can get warm, so you can also bring some more casual clothes to wear in your free time.
  • Sometimes it still can get rather cold, we recommend a rainproof jacket and warm pullovers.
